Saturday, June 20, 2009

Don't be a Hatersexual

My dad had a request for Father's day this year. He wanted to march in the first ever Pride parade in my hometown. My family still lives there, and I'm the only one that doesn't. This place is not as bad as Eastwick, but it's still in the Bible belt. So, my 60-something raised in the south dad wanted to march. People were very nervous about what to expect. Baptist churches had obtained permits to protest on the sidewalks. In fact, one Baptist preacher was caught on tape trying to get people to follow the parade and taunt people. The police, surprisingly, put him in his place. I noticed that the protesters were very concerned about people getting it up the butt. This kind of freaked me out. In the end, there were around 700 Pride marchers and 100 protesters. I was very proud of my dad and my hometown today. I have friends that have to say things like, "Well, I'm not excusing my dad for feeling the way he does about gay people, but he was raised in the south, and he is from a different generation." You know what? My dad is too, and he wore the most colorful shirt he had today and marched. I don't have any family members that are least that I know of. My parents just raised us to believe that you should treat people with dignity and respect. It was just a great day, and I will remember my dad marching in the Pride parade for the rest of my years. It just makes me smile.


Mrs. Flax said...

Lez Be Friends!

Anonymous said...

You know, that is pretty awesome. Tell your dad he is earning major cool points around the world right now.

Raised in the south, in a different time....ahh, that old BS line. I am glad your dad totally blows that one out of the water :)

Unknown said...

I get it up the butt, am I gay too?

Dude, I think it blows david's parents' minds that we teach our boys to accept people for who they are and that unconditional love is unconditional. They're seriously disturbed about gay abortions and fetuses getting married or something but they're both remarried divorcees. Um that's a sin too, fuckers.

chocolat lover said...

A Fathers Day march sounds cool...

...we dont have anything like that here.

I wasnt bought up to hate people either (I dont think it even came up).

I think blokes have an automatic hatred of Gay people - I really cant see why!

Liz said...

I actually teared up a bit reading this. I love your dad.

Liz in Seattle

Debi said...

I read somewhere (probably an article on Digg) that about 1/3 (1/4? 1/5? I can't remember) of gay couples don't even do the buttsecks. It wouldn't surprise me if it turns out that more straight couples do it than gays. Which makes me smirk when some bonehead states they're against gay marriage because teh buttsecks is gross.

just north of Eastwick said...

Your dad rocks!

Queen Bee said...

Rock on, daddy!

Queen Bee said...

BTW, glad we got some straight allies out there as well...we only want the same rights as everyone else...ya know being able to get social security and retirement benefits from partners we've been with for more years than some hetero couples and being able to be by our loved one's side when they pass, etc. Thanks for the support!