Friday, June 1, 2007

what's wrong with america

I know...I'm a little video crazy lately, but this I couldn't NOT share:

This clip sums up everything that's wrong with America in just under 2 minutes.  Seriously, people, STOP letting your kids look up to the likes of Lindsay Lohan.  Unless of course you envision several stunts in rehab and irreparable psychological damage for your daughters.  Or you just want them to look like this:

Furthermore, $1300??  $1300??  Come on!  Think about the message that's sending to your poor daughters: your looks are so important that in, like, 8th grade you need to spend $1300 improving your childish good making you look less natural...because natural is ugly and fake is BEAUTIFUL.  Keep sending 'em to the tanning bed, keep forking over the big dough for improvements, so one day they can look like this:

 Now, that's beauty. That's what our young women today should strive for.  Thanks moms.  Thank you so much for pushing these girls so hard, for funding them without discretion.  I look forward to a society even more filled with over-entitled, over-tanned, over-surgically-altered young women...and the inevitabe increase of depression, anxiety, and suicide.


Cricky said...

That scares the crapout of me. Not the tanning, boob jobs, and all that....but Donatella's freaking face! She looks like an evil with in a Grimm Brothers fairy tale. I fully expect to see a wart pop out while looking at that picture.

Kelly is 7, she knows the difference between fat and skinny, she knows what she considers the difference between ugly and pretty. She likes her big butt. She thinks tanning is boring, unless there is a water slide and pool involved. She would rather wear boy's clothes because they have more pockets to store her bouncy balls, jacks, and fake lizards.

Cricky said...

I meant an evil witch

just north of Eastwick said...

That is just disgusting. I am speechless. Makes me kinda glad my kid is a boy.....but even boys face body image issues these days. That is such a sad commentary on this country.

Alexandra Bitchford said...

Wow! That's crazy. Maybe Eastwick isn't so bad.

Queen Bee said...

WTF!!!! What is wrong with parents these days?!? That dumb peroxide queen's mom obviously didn't let her go to the tanning bed before her school picture, so now the peroxide queen drags her own kid to the tanning salon?!?

When people have a kid, they must go through some kind of weird transformation that zaps all freakin' common sense out of them!!! NOTE: I know this elimination doesn't happen to all parents, but it sure seems common!

I will have to pay close attention to this loss of common sense phenomenon when I practice my parenting skills this summer. :-D