Friday, March 14, 2008

Big New Church "Unleashed"

Well, they are at it again. The BNC has started a new program to "train" other people to spread the word. For a fee, chosen people could sign up to attend the Unleash conference. This was the intro to the article in today's paper, "... that included light shows, elaborate staging, multiple flat-screen TVs and screaming guitars, pastor Jim Jones brought the Unleash conference to full throttle at Big New Church." Apparently there were people from as far away as England. Now, I really thought those Brits knew better than to buy into this shit. The article made the event sound like it was open to the public, but a few spies of mine say this isn't true. According to said spies, a "conference info" form had to be filled out and a large donation was required. Basically, it sounds like another money making scheme. I don't really think these people fear hell because I watch them be shitty to each other most days of the week. Sometimes I wonder if all of the fucktards were gathered up and dropped here. I'm rejected by the fucktards, so that is why I don't include myself. I've actually had them ask me if I was southern because I sho' didn' tawlk like them. Ugh! This just gets on my nerves. What's scary about Big New Church is that someone smart with money is running the show. It ain't the pastor because he is just a small town pawn. 2,000 people attended this event and that, my friends, is just fucking scary!

1 comment:

Barb Smith said...

I've said it before but this is the very reason that organized religion just scared the ever lovin' fuck out of me. You let someone with a little charisma get in front of a bunch of folks and start spewing the "give me your money and save yourself from hell" bullshit and holy fuckin' hell, the cash starts flowing. It's crazy! *shivers*

We've got our own little "cult" here in my's called "Ramp". Looney-tune woman named Karen Wheaton is the head of it and she's a female Jim Jones with her eye on the pre-teen/teen generation (get at 'em early!). Check out her website and tell me this shit isn't scary, too:

Oh, here's a funny for has a ramp video that we've gotten a huge kick out of:

Okay, I've run off at the fingers long enough...I'll hush now. lol