In a small town similar to Eastwick, there was a full on brawl today. An elderly man had been killed by his grandson, and the news crews were covering the story. Some of the family were still at the scene. There were other news crews there, but apparently the two black news crew members were targeted. As you can see, the Eastwickeans surrounded these poor people trying to do their jobs and beat the shit out of them. You know what else? I bet this family will tell you that the grandson wasn't violent, and they have no idea why he did this. Gee. Could it be that your entire family goes around beating the shit out of people? This just pissed me the fuck off today.
WTF is up with people these days? And I mean EVERYWHERE! People are like this everywhere and it just makes me ill. Geez!
It's everywhere, like Barb said. Eastwick just seems to be crawling with it though, and may possibly be the source.
"There's no such thing as bad publicity"? Probably not true in this case.
I saw this on the national news today. Had no idea it was in Eastwick.
It's not in Eastwick, but it is a town very much like Eastwick. Yet again, southern people on the national news being dumb asses. Lovely.
Thats insane but most likely youre right its always "we dont know what happened hes not a viloent kid".
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