Monday, July 23, 2007

Bret "Weavin" Michaels

I am ashamed too. I'm also thinking of suing Bret Michaels for fraud. He looked hella fine from our nose bleed seats. He was still rockin' those blue jeans like nobody's business. He shows up on this lame ass show with a hair weave, hair plugs, and pancake make-up on! Fraud! Why would one need a hair weave and hair plugs? Because he's old and did not take care of himself in his youth. And who knew he was such a short, tiny man? I do have to say, though, that I have a favorite. (still very ashamed) I like Heather the bitchy stripper. She has spunk...or spunk on her...or just spunk??? Anyway, she has attitude. I'm thinking I should stop watching the show because I feel the brain cells evaporating each Sunday night. I doubt I will. Rock of Love is like crack rock. It's so bad for you, yet it is so good.


Head Bitch in Charge said...

Is this show produced by mindless television?

Sukie Bitchmont said...

VH1, baby!

Barb Smith said...

EVERYONE needs a bit of guilty pleasure television in their weekly TV viewing. *snicker* I have my "Scott Baio, 45 and Single" fix, as well as "Hey Paula" (so, so sad to watch but fun as hell to make fun of), and a few others.

Burn those brain cells, baby! Right along with the rest of us. lol