Thursday, July 26, 2007

Eastwickean-like Naiveté

Have you ever gotten one of those spam e-mails from the Nigerian prince who promises to bestow upon you millions of dollars if only you help him out by sending money to finance his immigration to America before the insurgents there kill him because he’s royalty?

Yeah, me, too.

Only, I know better than to send him money.

A Texas doctor didn’t. Seriously. A doctor. He sent him $27,000, hoping for a $2 million dollar return on his investment. (Note: if you google “Nigerian money,” you get a dozen sites about the scam). What a complete moron! Glad he wasn’t my doctor…although I am now considering testing all potential doctors myself before allowing them to diagnose and/or treat me.

Clearly, a medical degree ain’t enough.


Unknown said...

go to It teaches you how to bait the scammers and totally waste all of their resources on you instead of innocent uneducated doctors. Scambaiting is loads of fun.

Barb Smith said...

If you have the name of this naive and unsuspecting doctor, please pass it on...I'm on the broke side right now and he looks to be an easy target. LMAO (J/K...sorta. lol)