Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Problem with Eastwick (And Most Places)

I'm sure you've heard the news about little Lindsay "Coke head" Lohan. Nancy Grace has blasted her for two nights in a row. When someone would call in to wonder aloud why Nancy Grace was using Lindsay Lohan as news, she would quickly point out (in her Southern twang) that there were DUI victims to the left of the screen. Leave Lindsay alohan already! She's doing what a lot of 21 year old college kids are doing. She's just famous and followed around all day. Besides, why is she news?
Moving on to Beyonce. Beyonce fell. That's it. She fell, hair weave and all, down twelve steps. This is news. I actually heard a woman talking about this at the drug store today. "Did you hear that Beyonce fell down twelve steps and asked the crowd not to put it on Youtube?" Ummm, no. Why would I give a shit? Bitch fell. If she broke a leg, she could damn sure afford to buy a new one.
People! There is a war going on. There is an upcoming election. Families don't have any health coverage. Ever heard of North Korea? What the fuck????
I'm all about a little mindless T.V. every once in awhile, but it really shouldn't be the only thing you can talk about.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did you see the vid of the CNN guy who said "Can we please get the Lohan story off my teleprompter and stick to the script!!!"