Monday, February 4, 2008

Bitch, please...Part Deux

Do you guys remember me talking about one of my classmates, Ava? Well, Ava was up to her sneaky ass tricks again today. Part of my class is online, and sometimes we have to read articles our professor posts and comment on them. That was our task this week. We had about 10 articles to read and start discussion threads on. It was fairly interesting...until today. The discussions were to wrap up today, and we meet face-to-face tomorrow evening. So, I'm sitting at my desk and checking my email...Ava's email address comes up. This is what she said.
I haven't gotten my transcripts to the college yet, so I'm not loaded into the online program. I can't access the articles that have been up. Could you download those for me and email them?

WTF, Ava? Why didn't you remedy this before today WHEN THE DISCUSSION WRAPS UP? The following was my response.

People have some nerve!


Unknown said...

Now, I had a friend in college who I had classes with, so we shared books sometimes, but we also studied together. Key word is FRIEND. Not lousy bitch who cant get her shit together.

Dear Alexandra,

Barb Smith said...

Bet she was shocked at that reply, ya know? hee!

Lulu said...

Ha ha ha! That's awesome!