It's official. Sukie and I work with a yeti. For those of you who may not know what a yeti is, I have provided a photo.

The guy is disgusting. He has a beard that is scraggly and down to his chest. I'm not really sure what kind of statement he is trying to make. I sit in meetings and watch to see if crumbs or spiders are going to crawl out of it. I sometimes ask him if I can borrow a pen just to see if he pulls it out of the nastiness. Ewww! I could probably deal with it if he would braid it or something. I sat next to him in a meeting today, and I swear I heard something whisper, "Help me." I'm convinced that whatever is living in his beard was asking me for help. Should I tell him that he is no longer 20 nor does he live in a frat house, so the beard must go?
Maybe you should ask him if he is planning to replace one of the ZZ Top band members! hee hee
Dude, if crumbs of all things crawl out of it, get your ass out of the room. Under normal circumstances, crumbs do not move on their own, and if his beard is magically bringing bits of food to animation then who knows what it will do to your head.
Fuck the spiders, hide from crawling crumbs!
I'm picturing the guys from ZZ Top, too. Wonder if he has hair on his back, too? Ask him for me, will ya? LMAO
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