Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Stupid People

My old graduate school program recently started an email list. I didn't think much of it because I don't keep in touch with any of those people (with the exception of one person). This one guy, who was a total jack ass in school, started emailing about his trouble finding a job. He went on and on and on and get the point. He kept spouting all these buzz words, and then he started name dropping about all of the people he had worked with. His name is Joseph, and I've decided to write him a letter. Here is what it will sound like.
Dear Joseph,
How have you been? Wait. I don't really give a shit. I remember you from graduate school. You always wanted special treatment because you had a kid and a wife. You also used to look over my shoulder at everything I designed in our lab so that you could copy me. Don't think I didn't see that. Just because you use big words in complex sentences does not make you smarter than anyone else. In fact, if you spent less time typing stupid fucking emails that clog up my inbox, then perhaps you would find a job. Give the wife my best.
Supersize me,


just north of Eastwick said...

Love it!

I think you should send that reply to the whole list.....he's not the only one who's been spouting all the big words--it's like they're all trying to show who's smarter. Dumbasses.

(For those reading this, I am the person from this grad program that Alexandra still keeps in touch with. We seem to be the only ones who graduated from that program who don't have our heads completely up our asses)

Unknown said...

Supersize me?

Barb Smith said...

Love the supersize me closing! LMAO

I used to tell my girls when they were growing up that if they didn't do their homework they needed to at least practice saying "Would you like fries with that Big Mac?" LMAO