Sunday, October 19, 2008

To Send or Not to Send

I need help. A man that used to work with me sends me political emails all of the time. Some are funny, and some are insulting. I usually just roll with the punches. He doesn't work with me anymore, and we really weren't great friends or anything. So, he sends another this morning. It's titled This is why some people shouldn't be allowed to vote!. Then it says to send it to everyone I know! It turns out that it's a Howard Stern skit. They went on the street and asked some man who he was voting for. He says Obama. They then start to say things like so, you feel like the troops should stay in Iraq. The man responds yes. Basically, they state McCain's positions and policies, but the guy is going to vote for Obama. Ok, whatever. It's just a Howard Stern skit. It just hit me wrong, though. "Send it to everyone you know!" "This is why some people shouldn't be allowed to vote!" This kept repeating in my head. So, I typed up a message.

Dear Mr. Preppypants,

I have a question for you. Why? So that a group of people can get together and create a test for others to take to determine whether or not they are smart enough to vote? That sounds all too familiar to me, Mr. Preppypants. Do you realize it wasn't all that long ago that I wouldn't have been allowed to vote because of my gender? Do you realize if there was a test that your "group" would probably be the ones affected? As I enjoy my cup of coffee on this Sunday morning and know that it's my right to go to church or not go to church, or perhaps be able to talk freely to my partner (yes, my partner because I live with him and am not married) about my political views, well...that's America, and I love it. I don't want to move backwards.

Alexandra Bitchford

So, it's sitting in my draft box. Do I send it or let it go?

I could also send this.

Dear Mr. Preppypants,
Stop listening to the Howard Stern Show and start listening to Meet the Press. Colin Powell just endorsed Barack Obama.


Unknown said...

Mark him as spam, and then send a letter to everyone who he also forwards to and tell them to mark him as spam.

Sukie Bitchmont said...

If you don't appreciate his humor, tell him to stop sending stuff to you.

Anonymous said...

Tell him that he's perpetuating a similar type of idiocy that he thinks should be a voting barrier to others.

Anonymous said...

MTP sucks anymore. Brokaw lost it years ago.

Anonymous said...

So was it sent or what?

Anonymous said...

Send it. Send it twice to make sure he gets it.

Alexandra Bitchford said...

I sent it. I think he likes it when I'm cruel to him. Men are weird.