Sunday, October 19, 2008

Welcome to Eastwick

In a recent article in the online version of the local paper, a protest of civil rights violations was briefly mentioned.

Allow me to share with you some of the comments from readers regarding that article in an attempt to show you what a bigoted, racist place I live in.

Exhibit A:
The Civil Rights Act was the beginning of the end for this country. Minorities made it obvious that they would not conform to the American Way, that being work hard and provide for your family. So to meet Civil Rights the standard of living had to be lowered for everyone so that the hard working people would be closer to the lazy poor people. And the lazy poor people were given more and more money from the government. But it is never enough, they always want more. They want jobs they are not qualified for, they want into schools that they don't meet requirements for, they want the police to let them do whatever they want.
It's time for Americans to take back America.
Exhibit B:
I totally agree with you!

Exhibit C:
Well said! I couldn’t have said that better myself!

These? Are my neighbors.


Anonymous said...

It's easy to see why the south is solidly Republican time and time again. :-D

Unknown said...

Bitches, I think it's time that you release the true name of Eastwick. You use fake names anyway, so you're still anon, but something like this? Being written in a newspaper? Would make national headlines.

A republican womens group from my area here put out a picture of Obama on a fake food stamp surrounded by buckets of fried chicken and watermelon, and it gained nationality. I think your town needs to be exposed.