Friday, January 30, 2009

We Are Family

I saw this article in my morning troll of news websites, and I thought I would share.


At first it just made me giggle a little, but then I really thought about the situation. Why would not being invited send you into a fit of rage? If you pulled your own sister's hair out, then you had to be in a fit of rage. Does rejection really affect people in this way? I continued searching, and I ran across this article.


WTF? She breaks up with you, so you stab her to get your breast implants back. This is not logical thinking. I can't think of a time that rejection sent me over the edge like this. I did pee in my ex-husband's shampoo bottle one time. That was because I was tired of him yelling at me about money, when I was the one making it all. So, that was about revenge. Oh, and I racked him in the balls right after I told him to move out of my house, and he told me to make him. I was just following through with his request. I think I get it from my mother. When I was a tween, a local neighborhood teenager ran over our cat...on purpose. We know this because he came up to me and said, "Hey. I ran over your cat last night on purpose." He laughed. His father was meticulous about his grass. My mother knew this, so she collected me and a friend and started to concoct her plan. She bought several boxes of Tide laundry detergent on an evening we were expecting rain. She drove me and the friend to this man's house, and we dumped the detergent all over the really nice landscaped lawn. Then, it rained. Boy, did it rain! There were suds all over the place, plus it killed his grass. See what you get, when you run over my mom's cat, motherfucker!

So, does anyone have any good revenge stories to tell...or perhaps rejection stories???


Unknown said...

I stuffed a burrito down this bitch's tuba once. Thing smelled like burned tortillas for years.

I dont really take revenge on people that often...perhaps that is a good thing.

Anonymous said...

LOL damn that had me cackling like a hen.

When I was a young punk I used to do some crazy shit, most of which I wouldn't say in writing any where. haha!

One that I would mention is the bitch that lived on the corner lot in our neighborhood who spent abnormal amounts of time tending to her lawn... and being a bitch to all the kids in the hood.

A good 18 years or so ago I spent several minutes on a rainy night doing doughnuts all through her yard with my car. Then, a few weeks later I did it again for good measure.

Then, there was the time we strung up a bunch of dead frogs on the neighbor's doorknob. Or the time we "bread bombed" a mailbox. And then the time we painted dirty comments in the road in front of a girl's house that failed a suicide attempt.

Yea, I was hell back then. Damn good thing I emerged from that filth.

Nowadays I don't usually exact revenge. I figure the misery already existing inside their heads is enough for me. :D

Anonymous said...

Not to say that I did this, but I know of someone who came across pictures of their ex's new girl and posted them on myspace, under a myspace in his and her name. The pictures were of her in lingerie, supposedly, and it was reported that her family wasn't too happy.

Hmmmm, but that is all hearsay. I don't have any good tuba-stuffing stories of my own.

Alexandra Bitchford said...

Good stories, guys!

Anonymous said...

"The 26-year-old woman survived six stab wounds and the punctured breast implants were repaired."

I love that they fixed her implants. That made me laugh. If you are stabbed in your implants, does your insurance cover to repair it?

Debi said...

I'm mostly a live-and-let-live kind of person, so I can't really think of any time I took revenge on anyone.

My sister and I used to argue all the time when we were teenagers. After one particular fight I locked myself in the bathroom to cool off. She started beating on the door screaming DON'T TOUCH MY TOOTHBRUSH!!! and went running to our mom, accusing me of using her toothbrush to clean the toilet. I was all WTF? because I didn't do that sort of stuff, but then it finally dawned on me that my own toothbrush probably wasn't as clean as I thought it was...

Alexandra Bitchford said...

That's funny, Debi!