Saturday, February 21, 2009

Did you know...

...that Americans looking to adopt are more likely to adopt a foreign-born child than a Black child born in America?

Meanwhile, American-born black children up for adoption are more likely to be adopted by non-American parents, particularly Canadians, Germans, French, English, and Belgium parents (also parents from the Netherlands...what are they called? anyway...).

Says a lot about where we rank skin color in terms of importance in this country, eh?

BTW: Black babies are cheaper to adopt, too--it's like they're on sale...just trying to get Americans to take them. Instead, Americans pay a lot more money for a Russian orphan--because its white--or an Ethiopian--because, thanks to Angelina Jolie et. al., that's vogue.

Source: Christian Science Monitor (2004--yeah, it's been 4 years or more, but I bet it hasn't changed much statistically). And no, I wasn't just catching up on the CSM. ;-) A book I was reading cited this source, so I looked it up.


Unknown said...

My sister is trying to get some chilluns right now, and with our area demographic she will most likely end up with hispanics (we are white.) Black is also a possibility. I'm actually hoping for a black boy, David and I actually want to adopt a little black boy one day. They're so damn cute. I know they're not puppies, but...well hey, it's better than like "I hope I dont get a black kid."

Interesting fact though.

Anonymous said...

I am not surprised. I would have assumed, but it is nice to know there is data supporting my assumptions.

I am always stunned by the amount of international adoption that goes on when there are so many kids here in America that need good homes.

I don't think I will ever adopt, since I have my hands full, but I would like to think that if I did the only thing guiding me would be...destiny? My choice would definitely would not be race based.