Here he is, folks! Lindsey Graham! Late last year, Mr. Graham voted for the bailout package. In fact, he was quoted as saying the bailout is a bad choice, but not passing it would be catastrophic to our economy (
http://www.wspa.com/). As everyone knows, we bailed out those companies, and now they are taking lavish vacations and buying rugs that cost as much as my house. Fast forward to the present. Mr. Graham has come out *(no pun intended) against the stimulus package. Just today he was on the floor waving the bill around, so everyone could see how thick and full of pork it is. Now, I'm not saying that there aren't some things that could be trimmed from the package, but come on! He kowtowed to the bailout package, but when there is a Democratic president, he wants to wave giant stacks of paper in the air and act like he has a giant set of balls. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) called his punk ass out today, and he tried to bow up and blabber something about bipartisanship. He doesn't give a shit about bipartisanship. He sure as hell didn't last year, so what gives now? He was too busy following John McCain around and being his fucking lap dog. See...

Oh, and he wants to talk about bipartisanship and working together. Then what the fuck is up with this...
Thanks for making our state on its way to bankruptcy. I'm glad you are concerned about the really important things. I mean it's not like Eastwick is being affected by the economy or anything. It's not like the entire fucking state isn't on one big furlough. There are no lines at the unemployment center. The teachers are being paid so much that they just line the fucking class gerbil cage with money. Listen to the people, Mr. Graham. We voted for change!
*It's a joke in our state that Senator Graham is gay. He has never said that he is, and I could really give two shits one way or the other.
Bitch ass.
PS I got three books in the mail ;)
Not to mention the fact that our dumbass governor said he won't accept the stimulus money for S.C. Thankfully, though, Rep. Clyburn and others made sure there was a provision in the bill that said that the state legislature can override the governor's decision on that.
Is he in a whole in the photo with McCain, or is he part midget?
McCain isn't more than 5'8" tall, and Graham looks a good 3-4 inches shorter in that photo.
He's that short, T. Like a little Munchkin.
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