Thursday, February 12, 2009

On the 200th anniversary of Darwin's birth

I find it frightening that 25% of Americans still don't believe in evolution. And most of those? Don't believe in it because they believe in the Bible. You should have heard these people talking on CNN today! It was ridiculous! Example: "Darwin was a hack. The Bible says God created man from dust. And the Bible is truth. Therefore, it is truth that God created man as man and evolution cannot be truth." A little circular reasoning, anyone? Ever heard of begging the question? It's too much, I assume, to expect they've ever taken a biology class. Or a logic class. Especially considering the poll also reveals a direct correlation between education level and belief. Those with more education believe in evolution; those with little education staunchly refuse to believe it. Figures.


Unknown said...

Of course they dont, because evolution is not just physical, it is the evolution of thought, and people who are afraid of evolving their thoughts are afraid of evolution.

Sukie Bitchmont said...

True dat!