Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I probably should NOT promote this (lest some moron take it seriosuly), but this cookie commercial cracks my sh*t up: "My mom bakes cookies. Does that make her a bad person?"

They've got a "A-Rock-O Bama / Blac-o-rama" one, too: "Barack Obama lied to the American people when he told us he's a black person. He is not black. I should know because I'm black," says a really caucasion girl.
Sh*t had me rolling on the floor.

Swift kids, btw, in case you missed it, is a play off Swiftboating, so these are clearly meant to be as funny as they are

1 comment:

Cricky said...

omg...the first one cracks me the fuck up. The second one is hehe funny but the first one is roll on the fucking floor funny.