Thursday, May 29, 2008

It's NOT 1952!

I got good news this week. I no longer have to carry Private Mortgage Insurance on my home because I've paid over 20% of it off. Yea for me! I received a check today because I was owed a small amount of money as a difference in the last payment. $7.58! I know that's not a lot, but stay with me here. I get the check, and it is made out to my ex-husband. He's still on the mortgage, but he no longer owns the house. Long story short, he signed a piece of paper that he shouldn't have in the divorce. The outcome...I own the home, but we both are still on the mortgage loan. So, I call the insurance company that issued the check and explained my situation. They told me that I would have to mail proof to them that I own the home. What? But, my name is on the mortgage loan. That's how they got his name in the first place. I explain this to the woman. Silence. I say, "Don't you see my name on the loan?" She says, "Yes." I say, "Then can't you just issue me a check? Why would you send it just to him anyway. I'm on the loan." Silence. I say, "Does your company think it's still 1952 and that I'm Donna Reed? Why can't I get my $7.58 that you owe me?" She says, "Well, you'll just have to send proof." I screamed and hung up. Now I'm plotting my next attack. I will be calling this company in the morning and bitching some more. I will call them every morning until I get my check! I know it's just a few dollars, but it's mine. It's not my alcoholic, cheating, bad with money, balding, nerdy, piece of shit, cheap, asshole, useless ex-husband's!


Head Bitch in Charge said...
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Unknown said...

A woman? Owning a house?

Ok send ME proof of that.

What next, women doctors? They gunna let em drive?

What if we start getting those lady cops that you read about in the movies?