Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I watched Oprah yesterday. Michael J. Fox was on, and it ended up being a really good show. At first, I thought it might be a downer, but it wasn't. He's really funny. The show also featured interviews with him and his wife. Watching all of this made me realize something. Before I tell, I need to give you a little background.

Up until I met Mr. Bitchford, I don't know that I was ever really in love. I've been married before, and I look back and wonder why I didn't realize that I didn't really love my ex-husband. Maybe it was my age. Maybe it was the time in my life. Maybe he was just unlovable. Who knows? I've always said that if the person I was married to or in a relationship with suffered a debilitating accident/disease, I don't know that I would stay. I've always hoped that I would, but I never knew if I could do that or not.

So, back to my realization. I was watching Michael J. Fox and his wife interact, and it hit me. I would stay with Mr. Bitchford. I couldn't imagine abandoning him. It's weird how you float through life and begin relationships and end relationships. I can honestly say, for the first time, that I am in love. Weird.


Anonymous said...

I saw the last half of the show, and I enjoyed it, too.

I think Mr. B would be quite pleased to hear that you are in love :)

Unknown said...

I would wipe my man's asshole. I've done it. You have no idea how debilitating a broken collar bone is.

I'd stay for sure.

chocolat lover said...

I'll have to look out for that show, we sometimes get shows only a few weeks after thay have been broadcast but often its months!

My man has suffered from depression for the past 4 years, the thought of leaving him never even crossed my mind (even on the worst days).

He even said himself he would have left me if it was the other way around, but has since said he would stay.

I guess I love him as much as you love Mr B

Mrs. Flax said...

Mr. Flax fell off of our roof about a year after we got married. We had been together 10 years before we were married. He has never been the same. He is more angry, more impatient, more impulsive. He doesn't really even know it. I have talked to a neurologist, and have been told our brains are crazy complicated, and that head injuries are unpredictable. People change, even though they remain basically healthy. We have been married 9 years now. It's hard. He's a different man in so many ways. But in so many ways the same.

And Jessie, the broken bones that resulted from that same fall also resulted in me doing a little up close and personal butt grooming myself. No problem. :)

T said...

No love is as strong as the one that sneaks up on you without you realizing it...