Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jesus is Cheesy

So, this woman asked her boyfriend to make her some cheese toast one night and out came Jesus freakin' Christ! This is her story, at least. I don't really see Jesus in the cheese. Gregg Allman? Maybe. Jesus? Not so much. In the article, she talks about her religion and how important it is to her. She follows this up with the fact that she may try to sell the toast for a large sum of money. Well, nothing says praise the Lord like trying to profit from your religion. Maybe she would give all of the proceeds to her church, but I kind of doubt it. Also, didn't someone else already find Jesus in his cheese toast? Why, oh why, is Eastwick so behind the times?


Unknown said... bought the last holy grilled cheese that came out. My toast only ever comes out looking like Hitler for some reason, but we live by some punks so I make a small fortune selling it to them for their walls or human sacrifice breakfasts or whatever.

There's a video on Youtube about a guy who found Jesus on his doggy door over in Yucaipa (my home town, 10 miles thataway.) He was going to take his dogs to the pound to be put down because he didnt have time for them anymore but then Jesus showed up and long story short he didnt murder his dogs.

Whatever floats your boat.

chocolat lover said...

I'm normally too busy eating my food to look for any artisticness.

Although saying that a couple of Christmasses ago I got a slice of Christmas cake in Starbucks and in the icing was the number 4.

For a laugh we took a picture and submitted it to Fortean Times (I cant remember what the feature is), but it wasnt "weird enough"