Monday, April 27, 2009

Where to go from here?

Who the fuck knows! Mr. Vomit came to talk to me today. I didn't have a lot to say to him, and there were some awkward silences. I usually feel like I have to fill those, but I didn't today. I just stared at him. He muttered a few things and left. I have been struggling to keep up with my work load, plus my graduate class is kicking my ass right now. Everything is due by Friday, and I will be cutting it close. It seems like everything has been piled on me this week. I was checking my email this afternoon, and I had one from Mr. Vomit. It was an actual apology. He really said, "I apologize." He also stated that he valued me and my work. That sort of creeped me out because it sounds like cheesy bullshit, but whatever. Normally, I would try to figure out his angle, but I just don't have time, and I don't much care anymore. My goal is to finish all of my work and school crap and take Thursday off. I haven't been out with Mr. Bitchford in forever, and his exams will end on Wednesday. I think we're going to an early movie and just not plan the rest of the day. The rest of my week can only go up from here, right?


Anonymous said...

Call me dense, but I had no idea you were in graduate school. That makes you super cool in my book! :)

Don't discount awkward silence: it is a powerful tool. Apparently it gave Mr. V some room to think and that seemed to have turned out well.

Your week will get better, I just know it.

chocolat lover said...

I too think your week will get better...

Wow an apology, at least he was man enough to admit he was in the wrong, although he could have been told to!

You will have to tell us what movie you end up seeing and if its any cop, and when its eventually shown here I can go see it ;o)

T said...

No person is as humble as someone who has been called out with the truth. Hopefully he is like most other people and will feel the need to prove that he does have worth.

I vote for The Soloist for the movie. I think it looks good.

Mrs. Flax said...

Planet Earth!

T said...

The incompetent with nothing to do can still make a mess of it.
- Laurence J. Peter

That was one of the quotes on my google start page when I opened it for the first time this morning. Made me think of you and your co-worker.