Sunday, May 24, 2009

Fuck you, Eddie!

Mr. Bitchford and I went out for a night on the town to celebrate a friend's 30th b-day. We had a great time, but I was a little nervous about what the night might hold for us. The last time we went out with this group, we almost ended up in a bar brawl on the sidewalk. Basically, some frat boys in pink polo shirts tried to break in line, and Mrs. Flax and I got really pissed. Plus, we had been drinking. Not a good mix. Long story short, the fratastics and the guys in our group sort of circled each other. I got pissed because one of the frastastics pushed Mrs. Flax. I began to verbally attacked him, shove him, and then tried to nail him in the head with my high heel. Not one of my finer moments. So, you can see why I was a little nervous.

Back to celebrating J's 30th b-day. J wanted to go to a mojito bar, which sounded really cool. We all walked in the rain to the bar, and there was a bad vibe when we walked in. Everyone turned to stare, and everyone was drinking water. What the fuck? Isn't this a bar? Have a drink! I spotted an empty couch, so we headed over. There was a group to our left, and they immediately got up. Mrs. Flax noticed a reserved sign on their table. It was reserved for Eddie. A minute later, a waiter came by and said we were in a reserved spot. Well, there was no sign on our table, but that's cool. We decided to move on. Once we were outside, J told us that Eddie's group had gotten up to tell on us. Again, what the fuck? Why wouldn't you just lean over and say, "I'm sorry. This spot is reserved." No big deal, right? It really made me want to go back and scream at Eddie, but I wasn't drunk. Thank God. We moved on to a better bar and had a great waitress. She played with us and didn't care how loud we got. The night ended with public school pizza and shots. I know you remember the square pizzas from elementary school. These were very similar and excellent bar food. We had to walk past the mojito bar to get to our car. It looked like it sucked in there. Of course, I had to yell, "Fuck you, Eddie," as we walked by. Even though I had several leis tied in my hair like a sweat band, no one blinked an eye. Overall, it was a good night, and I realized that I've grown up a bit since my shoe throwing days. This is probably a good thing. Happy b-day, J! :)


Anonymous said...

Yes, I tend to become aggressive towards rude strangers when I have been drinking, too. My ex used to accuse me of trying to start fights for him, but really I was fighting my own 'battles'.

Glad the evening went well, and you were able to say your piece!

chocolat lover said...

I tend to get gobby once Ive had a few drinks too...