Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Things that have run through my head today:

1. Why aren't hairy legs acceptable?
2. Why am I not hungry for breakfast when I have all day to burn that food off?
3. Do people really not understand what a four-way stop is?
4. Did I hit her or did she just run into my hand?
5. Shouldn't being a bleach blonde be much easier?
6. Those might possibly be the largest natural breasts I have ever seen.
7. Where is my flying car? Isn't it 2009?
8. Does my cube mate really think I want to hear him cough up a phlegm ball and spit it into the garbage?
9. Are dirty tennis shoes acceptable work attire?
10. Should I tell the office manager about the goopy mascara that gathers in the corners of her eyes each day?


Unknown said...

#6 for the win!

Alexandra Bitchford said...


Anonymous said...

2. You aren't in the habit of eating it...you could change this if you really wanted to....but, kind of overrated in my opinion.

10. She probably knows, but you could tell her if you want to be nice.

chocolat lover said...

good questions

just north of Eastwick said...

I'm interested in hearing the story behind #4.

I've been wondering #7 for 9 years.

T said...

I need photo proof for Number 6...

As for #2 - I have started eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast and have found that I get full quicker at lunch.

ohh. Hairy legs are acceptable. They are just not as attractive no matter how shapely they are.

Alexandra Bitchford said...

@T: check out Jessie's blog for the photo.

@JNOE: I'll have to call and tell you about #4. ;)

mindctrl said...

1. Because we civilized humans go to great lengths to remove every thing natural from our lives. Hmm I need to shave.

3. Nope. People are idiots.

6. Hmmm

7. "They" just keep it from us... leaking out little upgrades like in-dash GPS... to get all our money for a lifetime. We'll get flying cars when we're too old to see to fly! :D

8. Sorry about that.

9. Sure! Then again, I don't buy into that whole work attire thing. I believe in comfort and practicality over what's accepted. Hmm... I need to clip my toenails.

10. Yea hell. Do it. With a picture of a stick figure with goopy eyes drawn on a sticky note, signed "anonymous"