Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Jessie's Question

I would like to know if you would ever just up and leave eastwick and move somewhere better. Why or why not? Support your argument.

First of all, I think it's funny that you realize somewhere else would equal better. ;) Seriously, that's my plan. Mr. Bitchford has to finish school, and I need to finish too. I have no real attachments to Eastwick, but I do have real attachments to my southern roots. I can't leave the south. Sweet tea was running through my veins when I came into this world, and it will still be there when I leave. The older I get the more I realize how attached to my southern roots that I am. This does not mean I'm attached to religion, conservative politics, or the rebel flag. I just love the slow ways of the south. With that said, I would totally blow this town.

Here's my plan. I would love to move to Black Mountain, N.C. It would still have those southern roots I speak of, but I would lose some of the hateful politics of Eastwick. It would also have more of those slow ways I speak of. Oh, and it wouldn't be so damn muggy and hot there either. Mr. Bitchford is a mountain man at heart, so he would love to live in a place like this. When I was younger, I wanted to live in the middle of everything. These days it sounds appealing to be so far out in the wilderness that I only grocery shop once a month. Don't think I don't have a career plan for my move.

One thing I've noticed is that even if people tend to have more liberal leaning ways, they are still fucking obsessed with their children. I would be moving to a place that was part home-grown boys and part yuppies. This is where The Learning Community comes into play. No, I don't want to be a teacher here, but I do see an opportunity. I would move to Black Mountain and strip the yuppies of their cold-hard cash. I would help parents get their children into The Learning Community. How would I do this? Follow me.

I would start out by befriending some of those crunchy folks that are featured on the website. Organic Gardening Teacher to those kindergartners? Watch out! You won't know what hit you. I also might seek out this school's diversity token...Hui Te Lee. You will notice that the children and the parents must go through a lengthy interview process. If there is one thing I know, it's how to interview. I'm not sure why, but I'm excellent at it. I think I read people well...or it could just be my big tits. Anyway, I have a gift, and I'm willing to share it with the yuppies for a fee.

What would Mr. Bitchford be doing? Probably making moonshine and wearing overalls. So, would I leave Eastwick? Absolutely!


Unknown said...

Um yeah, the question is "someplace better," so why wouldnt someplace = better? It's not like I said "move to Compton, CA" or something, I did really mean where would be better for you.

And you answered that.

And I want moonshine and mountain living. We have to meet up.

chocolat lover said...

I would be quite happy to move away (even from the UK).

I appreciate that the problems I have here would follow me to where I would go. But it would be nice to live in a different environment ;o).

I love the mountains too as up until I was 5, we lived in a Mountain Valley in Italy. The smell of roasting chestnuts always takes me back ;o)

just north of Eastwick said...

I would be very sad if you left Eastwick. Even though we don't see each other very often....I would still miss you. :-(

But Black Mountain is a BEAUTIFUL town and I could see you being very happy there. Plus, I could come visit you, which would give me an excuse to get out of town every once in a while.

mindctrl said...

We could start a commune in Black Mountain!

T said...

I applied for a job in Black Mountain last year. Didn't hear a word from them. I got a better job, so the hell with them.

I don't know about those areas with the rich snobby artsy folks. Something about going from an outsider of one culture to the outsider of another culture.

I am enjoying my new little town and the quaintness that comes with it. But my wife does tell me that I am a Nomad, and that I will get the itch in a few years to find another job. We'll see.

Good luck if you do try to move.