Friday, May 8, 2009

Questions to Ponder

The questions below pretty much sum up the first half of my day.

Why did the IT guy change the password to my email account, and then email me the new password?

Why do people continue to get in the left-hand only turn lane, and then put their blinker on to get over in the right-hand lane?

Why do people still wear jelly shoes?

Why do pregnant women let their naked bellies hang out of shirts?

Why does the cat insist on sleeping on the only white comforter in the house?


Mrs. Flax said...

She would not sleep there if she was white. She would do what my white cat does, and wallow on the black rugs.

Oh, and he left a chippie for me to find this morning. At least it was relatively intact, unlike the disemboweled shrews he has favored of late.

Unknown said...

Why did the IT guy change the password to my email account, and then email me the new password?
He is a fidiot.

Why do people continue to get in the left-hand only turn lane, and then put their blinker on to get over in the right-hand lane?
They are fidiots.

Why do people still wear jelly shoes?

Why do pregnant women let their naked bellies hang out of shirts?
hey man, sometimes you just stop caring.

Why does the cat insist on sleeping on the only white comforter in the house?
It's a cat.

chocolat lover said...

The IT guy thing... one of my previous jobs, our e-mail was down again, and rang the IT dept and were told "we will let you know when e-mail is back up", about an hour later we ring to find out whats happening to be told, "we sent an e-mail out to say it was all back up again"

as Jessie says theyre fidiots...