Saturday, May 9, 2009

Pomp and Circumstance

I went to the graduation party. It was nice. I was so relieved when I walked in because there was one person I know. The woman who runs the tutoring center was there. She's just fucking awesome. I like her because she's one of those people that can get someone to shut his/her trap without being obvious. People don't even realize that she's kind of insulted them until it's too late to say anything. So, I sat beside her and her husband. The student's mom was really low-key and just tried to blend in. Her crazy aunt came over to introduce herself. I plastered on a huge smile and kept nodding. I hate meeting new people anyway, and it is worse when I feel like you've shitted on someone I care about. She moved along. The dad was the worst. He was drunk. He had brought a cooler of his own beer to the restaurant. Nice, right? Every time a present or card was opened he would yell, "How many zeroes are on that check? Can I have it?" Ugh! The funniest part was the student's uncle. He called himself "The T-bird." I'm not kidding. He was loud, and he would rub his big beer belly each time he told a stupid joke. Finally, my friend leaned over the table and pointed at him. She said, "So, T-bird, will you be going to graduation?" The smile dropped from his lips, and he stared at her stupidly. He said, "Uh, no, I don't think so." She said, "Very good, then." The party kept going and a few minutes later I saw T-bird scratching his head. He just realized that a Yankee bitch told him off (this is a big deal in Eastwick). Ha! Overall, it was very nice. I was glad I sucked it up and went. The student looked so pretty and happy. It was a good night.


Unknown said...

Being supportive is awesome. And then you can relay to her just how dysfunctional everyone else is and she will feel normal!

chocolat lover said...

Im glad it went ok for her... they say "you can choose your friends, but not your family"

Sukie Bitchmont said...

My parents showed up for one of my graduation dinners. My mother drowned her misery in vodka and kept giving "jazz hands" to everyone (while shouting "jazz hands!!"). Then, she proceeded to tell me and everyone else that it was too bad I wasted all that time on that degree because I'd never get a "real" job. I got up and went to the bathroom and sat at the other end of the table when I came back. She didn't notice for an hour or so--it was nice.

Anonymous said...

Characters. Every single one of us has a parade of characters in our lives...they are essential to our story. Some are like T-bird and some are like you.

I am still thoroughly impressed at your generosity. This student will never forget you and what you have done for her.