Friday, May 29, 2009

The Great Knife Debacle

Mr. Bitchford's birthday is on Tuesday. I went shopping this morning, and I wanted to make sure I bought something from a shop downtown. I wanted to spend my money locally. I settled on the idea of getting him a nice chef's knife. He's been wanting one forever, and it's one of those things that you won't buy for yourself. We happen to have a locally owned kitchen shop, and the owner is super nice. I popped in and was instantly annoyed. There was a very loud woman on her cell phone. She was screaming about not getting a receptionist position. After the screaming woman finished her call, she asked the owner for a job application. By this time, I had selected a knife and was having it wrapped. The screamer was being told that the shop was not currently hiring, but she could leave her name and number. The screamer went on to talk about how hard it was to find a job and how badly she needed one. I get it. I have friends that have been affected by the economy. I read the paper and listen to the news. I'm not stupid. I am also very grateful that for the most part I haven't been affected. I hope this continues.

Back to my story. So, the shop owner gives me my total. It was a lot, but I knew it would be. I wanted to get him something really nice. The screamer let out a gasp. She turns to me and says, "How can you justify spending that on a stupid knife, when I can't even feed all of my children?" How in the fuck does one go about answering a question like that? I stared at her. She followed up by saying, "You are just flaunting the fact that you can spend that much. This is just stupid." Off she went out the door. The shop owner was horrified. I told her it was fine. While I think this woman was blaming the wrong person, I do understand her frustration. There was that evil side of me that wanted to ask her one question. Who did you vote for in the last national election? I had a hunch about her answer, and I might have slapped the shit out of her. But, what do you do? Can you really be angry at a woman who just wants to feed her kids? I don't know. Any thoughts?


just north of Eastwick said...

I think you certainly have a right to be angry over her rudeness. She doesn't know shit about your financial situation, so who is she to make assumptions? I'm sure she's just extremely frustrated over her own situation, but lashing out at others who are not in the same dire straits as she is is not the right way to deal with it.

Also...if you're in a place seeking employment, that's not the smartest way to act. What is the manager was actually going to consider calling her at some point in the future? I'm sure he won't now.

I think you were good not to say anything to her, but don't feel too bad for being pissed at her.

Unknown said...

Breathe and let it go.

But in the situation myself, I might of said "maybe if you didnt act like such a cunt to the customers are stores you're trying to get a job at you might be able to feed your children."

Then again who knows, she might be totally panic stricken.

chocolat lover said...

JNOE & Jessie are both right...

...if your looking for a job in a store you dont go being rude to l customers in front of your potential boss.

She may want to feed her kids, but she shouldnt take things out on you. I bet she felt bad about what she said after!

You shouldnt have to justify your purchase to her, as your helping the economy and potentially helping her get employment.

T said...

Did she not realize that you were buying a large knife???