Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Mail Saga

The US Postal service (in Eastwick) sucks ass. I don't understand what the problem is. Can they not read? I'm constantly getting other peoples' mail, which makes me think that my mail is going to other places. I've affixed a giant sticky note to the inside of my mailbox. It has my last name in bold print. If the mail doesn't say Bitchford, then why the fuck am I getting it?!? I received someone's unemployment check today. This shit is serious. There is some poor man waiting on his check, and I have it. I can't decide if I should take it to his home, or if I should put it back in the mailbox with a note. I would hate for the man to miss some of his bills or something else important. I've lodged so many complaints, and I just don't think I should have to pay for a PO Box. Also, I doubt I would make it by there very often. My favorite piece of misdirected mail was from a prisoner. It was a sweet, little St. Patrick's Day card. It had a cute mouse on it and said, "Top O' the Day to You." Then I read it. Some of my favorite lines were:

"Baby, I hear that ass is so fat!"

"I know how you do, Boo."

"I heard you were a flip mode girl. Why don't you answer the phone?"

My brother-in-law ended up naming a band The Flip Modes because of this card. In fact, every New Year's Eve someone pulls it off the fridge and gives us a little performance. My favorite is our friend J.A. He adds a little Irish accent to it. So, while this particular card was a true gem, for most part, the US Postal Service still sucks complete and total ass.

Continue to send good vibes. My first class meeting is Friday!


Unknown said...

Take it to him. One time our disability check went to the wrong house, the boy hand delivered it. Didnt miss a beat.

Had we not had the check?

Obvi no food for us. I mean unemployment, disability, all that, very important stuff to people who need the money.

chocolat lover said...

Yeah, I would say take the cheque over to him...

We too get other peoples mail (its not just mail in the US that sucks!).

In my previous job Royal Mail sent to us (we had to pay the unpaid postage too)a whole load of payslips for a branch of a sports shop, because it had a certificate with our companies name on it.

Why the hell they didnt send it to te nearest store I dont know?

Anyhow I phoned the Insurance Broker to get the address I should forward this to, as being payslips I should send it onto the company in the quickest way.

just north of Eastwick said...

I agree--take the poor guy his check. If you send it back to the PO, there's no telling how long it would take before he got it.

Our mailman rocks....we never have screwups like this....and he looks like Jerry Garcia, which makes him even cooler.

Mrs. Flax said...

Our mailman still brings us mail mistakenly sent to our old address, since it's on his route. He also leaves packages on the sun porch. Remember him? The one who let Mini Flax drive his truck?

chocolat lover said...

Mrs Flaxs mailman sounds nice...

...when we rented our flat we had a nice mailman, one day I was having some videos (yes it was that long ago) delivered and because I wasnt home he dismantled the catflap and put the package through the catflap.

When we moved we ended up with a miserable mailman.

Incidentally who leaves my chocolate tasting box on the doorstep (when the box clearly says keep out of sunlight). He doesnt even bother ringing the doorbell to see if anyones home!
