Monday, May 11, 2009

A Good Idea at the Time

As I sit here reading page after page of law definitions, I wonder why in the hell I thought it was a good idea to go back to school. The last time I walked across the stage I just knew that was it for me. I had gone as far as I wanted to go, and I was satisfied. Wait. I started to remember the fancy velvet hoods that the graduates before me were getting. Damn it! I really wanted one of those. So, here I am. I'm drowning in text that the normal person would consider mind-numbing, but I actually find it interesting. I can't wait to bust out in a meeting with some of my new knowledge. Our first official class meeting is on Friday, and I'm nervous. According to the syllabus, the professor kind of sounds like a dick. He doesn't allow drinks in his classroom. WTF? Plus, I've seen him. He wears a bow tie. I generally hold that against men, and I do not know why. Maybe it's because these same men probably wear sun visors and play golf with the likes of Lovey Howell's husband. *sigh* I guess I'll suck it up. Send some good vibes my way.


Anonymous said...

Good vibrations: sent.

Oh yes, of the top motivators for people to go on to graduate school ;)

This is still a great idea! I hope to follow in your path one day...maybe in a decade or so.

If your professor is a dick, at least you will know what to expect. Bow tie? I am willing to bet he is more nerdy than he is rich and highfalutin.

Have fun on Friday!!!!

chocolat lover said...

Dont hold the bowtie against him until you know that he is a proper "dick".

You will probably find that now you are older, you are enjoying "learning" far more than you did before.

Way to go when you can share some of your knowledge at work ;o).

Is you work paying for your classes/coursework, or is it more they give you a bonus when you have graduated?

just north of Eastwick said...

You'll be'll rock this class like you do every other one you take, even if the prof is a dick. In fact, if he is a dick, that will probably motivate you to do even better, just to show him that you can, despite the fact that he's a dick.

Alexandra Bitchford said...

Kell: I hadn't thought about the fact that a velvet accessory motivates me! :)

CL: Work is paying for some, but then I'll foot the bill.

JNOE: You are right! I'm fired up and ready to beat him. I just don't know what I'm beating him at. ;)

T said...

I understand your dislike of bowties. I have the same vision of them wearing visors and popped collars why they talk about what they read in the Wall Street Journal about the market. They just seem to rub me the wrong way...

Your class actually sounds pretty fun. My Summer I class is religion and government. I debated between that and Planning. I thought the religion one sounded interesting.

Good Luck with your class. I am sure that you will kick its ass...

mindctrl said...

Wow, two references in a row to you being "older" and you didn't mow down everyone with your machine gun. Impressive. :D

Good luck with the new classes!