Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Another Fuckin' Eastwickean Soccer Mom

I was on my way home today, and I was minding my own business. It was hella hot, so I had the AC pumping along with a little Smokey Mountain Rain by Ronnie Milsap. Don't judge, please. Anyway, I'm sitting at this long ass traffic light, and I see her. The Eastwickean Soccer Mom. She even has the Eastwickean Soccer Mom symbol glued to her head (that would be her cell phone). She proceeds to try and cross six lanes of traffic while making a left turn. She's in front of me (I'm in the middle lane), and I see a car coming up on my left. The car is doing the speed limit and not driving recklessly by any means. The ESM rams right into this poor soul. What did I do? I pulled around the ESM and came home. Before you judge me, please hear me out. One, I knew the cops could see whose fault this was. The bitch was trying to make a left hand turn across six lanes of traffic. The poor soul was just trying to drive straight. Two, this is a VERY busy intersection, so I didn't want to get run over and killed. I just kept thinking that the ESM probably has like three cars she can drive around. The poor soul probably just paid hers off and is super excited about her slightly used Kia. Damn! I felt for the poor soul, but I just couldn't risk (a) having my car plowed down by an ESM or (b) having an ESM actually plow me down. When will these uppity bitches learn how to drive? There was a stoplight 50 yards from this ESM. She could have waited at the light and turned when her little left hand arrow turned green. Stupid bitch! I'm feeling a little remorseful. Should I have waited around?


Unknown said...

I actually wont make left turns unless its at a stoplight, but even then I get nervous about not yeilding or yeilding or whatever is going on.

Sukie Bitchmont said...

Me, too, Jessie (though Eastwick makes me drive more agressively than I normally would). Alexandria: feel not bad; those evil bitches are everywhere, trying to mow us all down while chatting on their cell phones to hubby (who's having an affair with his secretary) about how she's picking up chicken for dinner after dropping junior off at socer practice and ms. junior off at ballet. F*ck em. That's all.

Barb Smith said...

Hell to the no you shouldn't feel bad. ESM was clearly at fault and, undoubtedly, will have plenty of insurance to buy Kia owner a new Sephia....I hope.

WTH is up with the SUV driving, cell phone wielding, soccer moms anyway? Do they really believe they own the road? Geez!

Lulu said...

Nope, I wouldn't have waited either. Like you said, this was a busy intersection....it's not like you witnessed a wreck on an isolted road after dark!

Damn soccer moms... I don't care where they are from, they give all us women drives a bad name!!!

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