Sunday, August 26, 2007

Was James Brown Wrong?

It's not a man's world unless you let it be. I emailed the misogynist back last night. The more I thought about it the madder I got. I told him that he was inappropriate and out of line. I let him know that if he had a problem then we could set up a meeting with my supervisor. I let him know that I had already made her privy of how he had treated me. I also let him know that I had supplied her with copies of any and all email communication between us. I got a message back this morning. It started with, "I don't think a meeting will be necessary..." Ha! Chicken shit. Son of a bitch knows he is wrong. He also continued to use double negatives in his email. I get that not everyone is a grammar geek, but come on already. Can't people be a little more careful? Anyway, he also copied his wife on the email to me. Again, the email made it sound like I was "overly sensitive." Whatever. That poor woman is the one who has to live with him. Hell, she may have told him to email me back and say that he was backing off. Who knows. I'm still pissed that he thought he could intimidate me and that I ended up feeling a little intimidated. I guess I should look at the fact that I didn't back down. There was something in me that just couldn't let it be. My supervisor still wants to meet with me and see if she needs to do anything further. The company may decide to do something. Again, at least I stood up for myself. So, in the end, maybe James does have it right. "But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman ..."


Lulu said...

I'm glad you stuck up for yourself.... I hate to use the "woman" card; but sometimes you just have to.

I've been a woman in a professional work place for 7 years now....and have had to use the "woman" card twice. I figure those odds aren't all that bad.

Barb Smith said...

He was a dick and he knows it...and now he's scared, that's why he brought wifey in on the whole situation. Pfft.

What a pansy!

You go girl!!!

Unknown said...

Right on! See? Fighting the man is cool!