Sunday, August 5, 2007

Religion in Eastwick

While Eastwick is a beautiful place to live, the "culture" is a bit much to take. There is a church on every corner, and you damn well better be a member of one. Living here has made me think of religion as a character flaw. Now, before I go further, I know this isn't really true. I've met and know a lot of people who are the real deal; however, one can tend to forget this in Eastwick. We have a "community" church, which is a fancy way for baptist affiliated churches to act like they are welcoming everyone, that has to have two city police officers direct traffic after the services. I feel sure that I am paying for the two city police officers to direct the "community" traffic. This same church also spent $25,000 on new lights for the sanctuary. Yes, I said $25,000. And, just to top everything off, most of the people I work with belong to a church. I loathe most of the people I work with, so you can see where I'm going with this.
With all of this negative religion talk, let me say that I do pray. Sometimes I pray for normal things and sometimes I pray for things like Michael Vick to get cancer and die. I know that isn't really nice, but I figure that God knows where I'm going with that, and he can help me figure out my demons. Let's face it. My demons are no one's business but my own and going to a well-lit ($25,000 worth) church on Sunday mornings will not make me a better person. So, as I sit here sipping my fancy organic coffee and as Sukie sleeps soundly in her 400 thread count sheets at home, I ask that you just simply treat others the way you would like to be treated. It's a hard thing to do, and there will be times when you fail miserably. (Like wishing Michael Vick had cancer) If you need some assistance, here is a little secret of mine. On the occasions that I do pray, I've envisioned my God as below. Sweet! Why does he have to be an old, dirty hippie anyway?


Head Bitch in Charge said...

What makes you think god is a man?

Alexandra Bitchford said...

Mine is, and he looks like that! ;)
Feel free to post your interpretation, my dear.

Unknown said...

My home town is like that. Beaumont isnt so much like that, but where I came from it was a big deal for me to not be going to church. "Which church do you go to" is generally the first question asked to people. Its kind of amazing really, how people get so angry over you not going to church. Poor David comes from a "good christian family," and because he decided long ago that he isnt one, he gets treated a bit differently.

Lulu said...


Barb Smith said...

Eh, your description of how people are and the whole $25,000 sound system (while there surely are mothers in need and children with no school supplies or decent shoes to start school in) just sickens me. But hey, it's those reasons in part that turned me away from religion a while back (then the obvious non-belief in god finished it off for me, but anyway.) If he did exist and looked like the pic...I could be coerced in the believing again. LOL