Friday, August 17, 2007

Are Married Men a Hot Commodity?

I work with a woman who was devastated a few years back when her husband cheated on her. She still hasn't really gotten over it. Here's the kicker, though. She's now seeing a married man herself. I usually humor myself by listening in on her conversations from my cube, but this is a new low for her. She slinks around the office and whispers to him on the phone. She seems to think the rest of us have no idea. He "drops" in a few times a week. Ugh! He came in today, and she happened to be in a meeting. He comes over to my cube and asks where his girl is. I wait for about 15 seconds before I turn around and even acknowledge his sleazy presence. I ask him if he would be referring to (insert name here) and that the last time I checked she was a 39 year old woman and not a girl. He gives me the smile with the twinkle coming off of his teeth. Asshole. He asks if I will tell her he came by. I say no. He looks shocked. I tell him I'm busy and to send my best to the wife and kids. So, I ask. What the hell is up with this woman? Why would she even think of dating a married man after the way she was treated? It makes no sense to me. Pathetic? Low self-esteem? Any ideas?


Unknown said...


Alexandra Bitchford said...

Oops! I forgot to say that she has been divorced now for awhile. I guess in some ways it could still be revenge; although, I don't think her ex would care.

Barb Smith said...

I've never understood the whole cheating thing in general. If ya ain't happy with what ya got, move on...but hey, I have morals and a sense of right and wrong. Apparently not all are like me.

Idiocy maybe?

Head Bitch in Charge said...

She is getting desperate in her old age. This whore is probably trying to feel young again. She also needs to get fucked after all of that ass kissing she does all day long at the office. He probably helps her wipe the shit off of her head and lips.

Alexandra Bitchford said...

HBIC, I'm glad that Sukie and I can provide an outlet for your anger. :)

Queen Bee said...

Alexandra, you ask if this woman is pathetic and has low self-esteem? Yes, she is pathetic and has low self-esteem. Furthermore, she's also dumb and stupid. I guess she hasn't thought about how the wife of her married "man" might react when the wife finds out he's fucking around on her. The wife might go "psycho" and decide to go on a rampage at your workplace!

Sukie Bitchmont said...

Ummm...yeah she has low self-esteem and is pathetic and dumb...all of the above. I kind of hope his wife does find out and is a crazy, psycho Eastwickean with a mammoth pickup truck. I might pay $5 to see her come after that bimbo.

Lulu said...

My guess is that she thinks that this douche is the best she can do.... She's too busy judging herself by the fact that she's divorced, and will take any attention she can get. Sad, sad, sad....

Someone should tell her the old saying.... You're better off alone than with the wrong man....