Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Bitch, please...

I talked to one of my sisters today, and she told me that someone broke into my brother-in-law's car and stole his shit! They live in a cool historical neighborhood, and there is rarely any trouble there. Well, except for a few months ago when a drunken and drugged driver ran into the back of their house. That's another story. Also, their garage is right at the house. Shit! It's attached to the house! My brother-in-law, being the crafty person he is, cruised all of the pawn shops in search of his shit. He hit gold today. He asked the lady if she had any new merchandise coming up. She told him yes, and he asked to see it. She straight up brought his stolen shit out! He told her it was his and to call the police. Here's the kicker...she got pissed at him! The police came, and my brother-in-law has agreed to testify in court against the low-life son of a bitch thief. I imagine Mr. Low-Life Son of a Bitch being a little cocky asshole who thinks someone would be scared of him. I would like to show him a little Eastwickean baseball bat justice. Fucker.

1 comment:

Cricky said...

How ridiculous.

My retarded BIL stole a few items from my in-laws a few weeks ago. My FIL scoured the pawn shops and struck gold as well.

The salesman was pissed that he was about to lose his money, but happy to not have to involve the police.