Monday, December 3, 2007

Those Krazy Kardashians

Sukie was hooked on Keeping Up With The Kardashians. I went over to her house tonight for pizza and the finale show. We are both so old that we fell asleep before it came on last 10:30 p.m. So Kim, who we thought was the ONLY naked Kardashian, isn't alone. It appears that her sister, Kourtney, has posed naked for photos before. Kim, being the brain of the family, misplaced Kourtney's naked photos, and they disappeared. Someone "found" the naked photos, and he was trying to sell them. shit, girls. The FBI became involved (Kourtney was only 17 when the photos were taken), and her family was very upset. Her boyfriend comes over, and he only has one thing to say. "So, are you mad because the photos were taken before you had your boob job?" Yep. That's all he had to say. Sukie and I kept wondering why celebrities are shocked when their naked photos and/or videos are leaked. Come on, people! Keep your fucking clothes on. Oh, and one more thing. I don't care if you are a man or a woman. Wouldn't you want to see this ass in all its glory?


Sukie Bitchmont said...

I swear to FSM, that was the funniest television line EVER! "So what? You're upset because that was before your boob job." And he said it in all seriousness. Oh, my...I thought I would die. And I definitely feel stupider!

Sukie Bitchmont said...

And seriously--that @ss--how is it that big??

Cricky said...

How in the hell does an ass grow that large all by itself?