Monday, December 31, 2007

Jesus Camp

I couldn't sleep last night, and I was channel surfing. I came across a documentary called Jesus Camp. It featured this family who ran, what they called, a religious camp for children. These children were mostly between 6 - 10 years old. It was scary. The show was about two hours long, and not once did I really hear anyone speak of anything religious. The camp owners would work the children up into an emotional frenzy and have them chant things like "Jesus will save me. Jesus created me." There were no real religious lessons (that I could see). The camp owners had bought a shit ton of coffee mugs and had written "government" on them. They then told the kids that the government was evil and must be stopped. The kids had hammers and would come up and smash the "evil government" that had taken religion out of their schools and hearts. Bizarre. The worst part was when they brought in a man who represented an organization called "Life." He handed out plastic babies and scared the kids about how some women would have killed them. Of course the children didn't really understand, and they were crying and upset. The worst part was when they featured ole' Ted Haggard. He said that the children were the most important part of the Evangelical movement because they could mold them. He then stated that the Evangelicals would take over the government and vote like good Evangelicals. Then he smiles and chuckles, leaving the audience with this..."This is a good life." This is just fucking scary. These people never really said anything about religion, community service, the betterment of mankind, etc. This election year is huge because our communities (especially places like Eastwick) could really take a scary turn for the worst.


Sukie Bitchmont said...

I saw that and purposely did NOT watch it because I knew it would just make me angry.

Unknown said...

It's like the toddlers wearing the "god hates fags" shirts.

Barb Smith said...

Yep...and the little boy preacher practicing his "sermon"...*shivers* That freaked me out. But ya know, they're real and they're out there...and that is what scares the bejebbers out of me.

Anonymous said...

I ended up catching that too and it was totally messed up. You're right, no Bible lessons or religious stuff, just how to approach total strangers (who are minding their own stinkin' business) and tell them how to not go to hell. And the fact that the head dude talks to Bush and his goonies every Monday really irritates me. I like what JFK said about the presidency and religion: "Don't think of me as a Catholic president, think of me as a president who happens to be Catholic."

And yes, I grew up in a church. Even back then I couldn't stand the people who pushed their beliefs on everyone else.

Good luck living where you do, I don't think I could do it.

Liz in Seattle