Saturday, February 2, 2008

Ann Coulter Needs a Sandwich...and Perhaps a Xanax

She's done it again. Ann Coulter wasn't getting any media attention, so she had to act like the media whore she is. She has stated that if John McCain is the pubbies nominee, then she will support Hillary Clinton. Well, first of all, I don't think Senator Clinton would want her support. I would hope that she would politely say, "Bitch, please." Why do people listen to this woman? I know, I know...I'm blogging about her. In my defense, it's because I don't get it. There are some dem commentators who I find very entertaining, but I don't really listen to them. I've heard people (granted it was in Eastwick) comment on how much they respect this woman. Someone please enlighten me!
On another political note, I was a total and complete loud mouth in the eyeglasses place yesterday. There were two women being waited on by the general manager. Mr. Bitchford and I were waiting our turn to speak to the manager because he was getting his glasses adjusted. They all three were loudly talking about how Barack Obama is Muslim. I kept thinking in my head, "He is NOT Muslim you dumb Eastwickean bitches!" After 15 minutes of this bullshit, I couldn't take it anymore. I yelled from my seat, "He is NOT Muslim. He is NOT Muslim. He is NOT Muslim. What is wrong with you people?" Maybe I do need some drugs to calm me down. ;)


Unknown said...

What was their reaction?

Alexandra Bitchford said...

They stared at me like I was crazy, which I kind of sounded like I was. I'm at the point I don't care anymore.

Barb Smith said...

I've come to the conclusion that I've gotten to an age that I couldn't give a fuck less if people see me as a total nut. Fuck 'em.

And no, you don't need drugs just because you get kinda sick of the idiocy you're surrounded by. I say give 'em hell, girlfriend. LOL