Sunday, August 12, 2007

A New Bitch in Town

Well, we went to the shelter today. I thought I might be ready to look at some dogs. I was there about five minutes when I saw her. My dog! She is perfect. She's a terrier mix. She's smaller than what I thought I would want (@10 lbs.), but she doesn't act like a tiny shaky dog. She was sort of dirty from being in the shelter, so she looked liked a dirty Q-tip (she's white). We will bring her home Tuesday evening. I started to feel a little guilty about my NJG, but I know I need to stop that. She doesn't know that I have another dog, and I am NOT replacing her. She's resting soundly in a $300 urn on my mantle. So, I'm going to try really hard not to feel guilty about being excited. She's got attitude too, which is required if you are going to be my dog. She can stare you down with her little raisin eyes and act like she will kick your ass. Yea!


Barb Smith said...

You are not replacing your baby, by any are getting a new companion, plain and simple. And I am happy for you.

Whatcha gonna name her?

Alexandra Bitchford said...

I'm not sure yet. Any suggestions?

Sukie Bitchmont said...

Name her Jane Bitchfford

Mrs. Flax said...

If you don't keep her current name, I really think you ought to consider Jettie. In fact, I'm pretty convinced that should be her name.

Sukie Bitchmont said...

Stripe: like the Gremlin