Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Political Quotables: Eastwick Style

I love local politicians. Right now, ours are all battling it out in county council meetings. You know the kind of backstabbing political nonsense these guys pull: you didn't vote for our measure, we're not voting for yours. So when one of these politicians called the others to task for a recent decision to deny funds to his part of the county, another responded by telling him he needed to use the requested money not for the betterment of the community but rather for "a course in courtesy, manners and humility."

Hee hee, another chastised someone else, "If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen!"

Another one shouted, "We have a government of dirty tricks and revenge!"

Yet another said simply, "I would like to say you are out of your mind."

Why do they even bother talking? ;-)


Unknown said...

Thats pretty fucking funny

Cricky said...

Our County commissioners were all "forcibly removed" from office a few years ago for various antics and stunts. My favorite of them all was - Commish#1 laundered money to Commish #2 however to keep it on the downlow, Commish #1 took the money to the meeting, in a tall collard greens pot, and made a big to-do of "returning" Commish #2's pot.

Sukie Bitchmont said...

Wow--way worse--that's hysterical.

Mrs. Flax said...

He . . . returned . . . the . . . "greens" . . . . Ohhhh, that's bad.

mindctrl said...

Sounds like the clowns on the GU forums. lol