Saturday, October 27, 2007

10 Responses to "Why don't you have children?"

10. I really like shopping at Ann Taylor and wouldn't have the money if I had children.
9. Burst into tears. No response needed.
8. Oh, I have one. Mary? Mary? Oops, I must have lost her.
7. My ex-husband got them in the divorce.
6. The state took them away.
5. God didn't deem me fit to parent.
4. Why are you ugly?
3. I'm barren.
2. My husband is reproductively challenged.
1. Bitch! Why are you so rude?

To be fair, I don't really dislike children. I just don't want any right now. I might change my mind later, but I doubt it. I don't think ALL people with children are so rude. I think the ones who ask me are questioning why they themselves have kids. Know what I mean? The parents who seem happy with their choice don't ever ask this stupid, rude question.


Unknown said...

Thats not always true. Theres also the people who believe that youre not doing your duty as a woman if youre not having babies. Even if youre barren, theyll tell you to adopt, because it's YOUR JOB TO.

Truth be told, I hate kids. But Ive always wanted some of my own.

And yes, it's rude to ask such a question.

just north of Eastwick said...

Another rude question people ask: when are you going to have another baby? Because apparently having one kid just isn't enough for some people.

I actually had someone tell me I was SELFISH if I didn't have a second child. That I needed to give my son a sibling. How's that for rude?

I just wanted to let you know that even if you do ever reproduce, the rude questions will continue in some form or another.

When it comes to child bearing and child raising, EVERYONE has an opinion and EVERYONE is an expert.

Cricky said...

I spent all of the past two weeks dodging that question. Family that flew in for the funeral wanted to know intimate details of our struggles with infertility. Friends that I work with at the fairgrounds wanted to know why Kelly didn't have a little brother or sister yet.

My favorite response is: She does have a little brother. He is in heaven.

That usually shuts them up enough for me to escape.

Lulu said...

I always tell people that I don't have kids because I don't like them. They know it's not true...but it shuts them up at the same time.

Guess I should start snapping back with "why do you have SO MANY?"??