Thursday, October 25, 2007


Since this blog is already mired in controversy (thanks, Alexandra), I figure I'll just throw some more potentially contentious subject matter out there...

Please don't call me racist, but...are we getting a little sensitive about the noose?

I mean...I get it, but now we're pissed about Halloween decorations?? And it's not okay for the figure to hang, but it is OK for him to be stabbed?? I mean, really, we could probably make that an issue, too: it stereotypes black people as murder victims--likely to be stabbed in drug fights. Is it better if they'd made the man from white trash bags instead of black trash bags? Perhaps we ought to spray paint all the ghouls blue?

IDK...I see where people could be offended...especially since the noose seems to be making a comeback as a symbol of oppression lately (PS: what's that about anyway??)

On the other hand, lots of people were hung to death by nooses--not just African-Americans. It was a form of the death penalty for quite some time. I wouldn't be happy if someone hung a noose on my doorknob, and I'm white. In that case, it's clearly meant to be intimidating. But as a Halloween decoration? IDK.

What do you think? Truly offensive or we're too sensitive?


Alexandra Bitchford said...

Well, I honestly think it depends on how the noose is used. It sounds like in this case that it was meant to be a Halloween decoration. In the case of the noose being left on the black professor's office door, well, that sounds like racism and intimidation. I'm like you, Sukie. I would freak if one was on my door. I've been reading a ton of stuff about racism today, and I discussed a term I saw several times with one of my co-workers. Reverse racism. How can that be? Racism doesn't mean that you are only prejudice against black people. It could be Hispancis. It could be white people. How can it be reverse? Just a question.

BTW, you love all the internet traffic we got! ;)

Sukie Bitchmont said...

Hmmm...interesting point...if you reversed racism, it wouldn't be racism, would it?

BTW, I had to explain to someone today why "dyke" is an offensive term while "lesbian" is not.

Unknown said...

Actually, reverse racism has nothing to do with, lets say, black people hating white people.

Reverse racism would be to overcompensate your niceness to someone simply because of their color.

Ok, for example. Racist would be me as a white person holding a door for a bunch of white people, but seeing the black person and not holding the door BECAUSE of skin color.

Now, reverse racism would be if I saw that black person and out of fear of someone thinking that I just might be racist, I am overly nice, and not only hold the door for him, but greet him warmly, offer to take his jacket, offer a bite of my sandwich, all things that I didnt offer to the white people.

Its like when sitcoms randomly cast a black character in order to avoid being called a racist television show because of their lack of color.

No, when Mexican guys tell David that they fucking hate white boys and theyre going to kick his ass because he's going to lunch, and they pull the "you just dont want to serve me because Im brown" shit, it isnt reverse racism, its just plain racism.

Alexandra Bitchford said...

Damn! I meant Hispanics, not Hispancis. I hate it when that happens.

Sukie Bitchmont said...

I get what the term "reverse racism" means. I know what it is. I just don't think it's what it should be called. Perhaps "overcompensation to avoid appearing racist" would be appropriate, but I suppose that's not nearly as catchy. I think "reverse racism" is still racism. It means you're still judging a person by his race and acting accordingly--it's just a difference in the type of behavior you choose to exhibit based on race. Treating a person differently because of his race is racism. If you reverse it, technically, you're not treating him any differently because of his race.

Head Bitch in Charge said...

People are to sensitive. They need to get a grip. Of course, I am desensitized anyway.

I hate it when people are to politically correct. The noose seems like a good idea to avoid ungrateful little trick or treaters. hee hee.

Head Bitch in Charge said...

Dyke is only offensive when straight people say it.

Cricky said...

I agree with Alexandra on this one, as a halloween decoration, the noose might be ok, but hanging it on any person's door regardless of their race is an intimidation tactic and hateful. The sad part is, even if there was never another noose, there would still be hate. Until the hate is gone, anything can be seen as offensive.

Jessie's description of R.R. is head-on.