Thursday, October 18, 2007

10 Things I Hate

1. Drifting off to bed and wondering if I've locked the front door
2. Taking the dogs out when it's raining
3. People with no work ethic
4. My parents' phone staying busy all day on Sundays
5. Mr. Bitchford spending so much time with his work
6. The new puppy leaving tiny turds on my favorite rug
7. SUV's
8. SUV drivers
9. "Moral" republicans
10. Fake "religious" people

Please feel free to add to my list.


Unknown said...

I have no work ethic. Then again, thats why I stepped out of the working world as not to inconvenience anyone else. Now my bad work ethic doesnt hurt anyone but me really.

Mrs. Flax said...

I think that's exactly what differentiates you from the folks who are up Alexandra's ass, Jessie - you know yourself and you are honest about it. Gotta respect that.

Alexandra Bitchford said...

And for the record, Jessie, I do think you have a work ethic. Yours is with your family and not in the workplace.