Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Eastwickean Politics

This is a quote from a local paper in Eastwick. Sheriff Wright talked about, "How God works. … Not Allah. How Jesus Christ works in your life," saying his faith helped him win office. He added that, "I'm a Republican because I don't think it's cool to kill babies. I don't think men should marry men. It's not what God intended." This man is the lead law enforcement officer for a town near Eastwick. What the fuck? Is this what we have come to? Please tell me that this type of cowboy dictatorship is just here. How do I, as a community member, respond to this crap? I feel like voting isn't enough. There needs to be a stand taken. The nut jobs like Wright get to spew their hatred to the media. This has to stop.

1 comment:

Sukie Bitchmont said...

Get up; stand up! Stand up against the right!

This is utterly ridiculous.