Sunday, October 7, 2007

The Perils of Owning a Small Dog

My new dog has tons of personality and has really kept me on my toes. Also, you must understand that (1) she has only been here a few months and (2) I've never owned a small dog before. She has MAJOR attitude. I'm not sure if this is just her personality or if it is a side effect from being small. She also acts like she owns EVERYTHING in the house, including me. Mr. Bitchford and I are her property, and I don't even know what to say about how she treats the other animals. She moved in and became alpha dog, which is weird since she is the newest member of the family. The nastiest thing of all, though, is her insistence on eating the other dog's hair. She will climb on her and actually try to pull her hair out. If this doesn't work, she will root under the bed until she can find a hairball...then she gobbles it up. If this isn't bad enough, she then poops out the hair. The bad thing is that she will come in from doing her business and have a clump of the other dog's hair sticking out of her ass! I'm not sure what to do about this, and I've started to wonder if it is just a small dog thing. Ugh! I might as well have had a baby.


just north of Eastwick said...

At least babies don't eat OR poop out hair....

Alexandra Bitchford said...

I've met some babies who eat poop. I've also heard of babies/toddlers pooping out some very strange things before.

Sukie Bitchmont said...

That dog is weird...I've never heard of such a thing...

just north of Eastwick said...

Oh yes, they definitely have strange and interesting poop.....just not usually involving clumps of hair. Of course, I can't speak for all babies...just the one.

And I agree with Sukie....that's one weird dog.

Alexandra Bitchford said...

Who? Me? Pick out the weird dog? Never...

Barb Smith said...

Yep, that's one strange, hair eating dog. LOL What kind is the little hair-eater?

Alexandra Bitchford said...

Who knows! She has terrier (West Highland, maybe?) in her, but she also has a little Chinese Crested. Her teeth are crossed every which way, and that's why I think she may have that in her.

Head Bitch in Charge said...

The dog has your attitude. She is definitely running something.

I don't understand about eating hair. She might start throwing up if she doesn't stop.