Monday, December 17, 2007

Dell Computers

I hope Dell rots in the stinking depths of hell. I tried to buy a laptop tonight, and Dell did not want to sell me one. First, I couldn't get the online order to go through. Second, it MADE me purchase a webcam. Third, I couldn't get anyone who spoke English to answer the god damn motherfucking customer service line. And fourth, it all comes back around to me wishing that Dell would rot in the stinking depths of hell. Oh, and Dell, if you are out there and have some savy team of computer geeks who finds sites that mention your skanky ass name... I hope you find this motherfuckers! The end.


Cricky said...

I just hope it wasn't a christmas present for anyone in your house...

just north of Eastwick said...

Mac, need to get yourself a Mac. Forget Dell--they suck.

Once you go Mac, you won't go back.

Mrs. Flax said...

I thought you would appreciate this link. Apparently Michael Dell is a huge Dubya supporter to boot . . . .