Friday, December 28, 2007

Vagina Slang

I know you have heard Oprah call her vagina a "va-jay-jay." With all of the funny names out there, why would she choose this one? My friends and I have come up with a small list. Please add to it.

1. A cock holster
2. Roast beef curtains
3. Monkey
4. Axe wound
5. Vertical smile
6. Nappy dugout
7. Flesh taco
8. Bearded clam
9. Velvet folds
10.Tufted taco


Barb Smith said...

I've been reading but since I'm a slacker and I suck, I haven't been noting but this one cracked me up so I decided to come out of hiding. LOL

I've just always heard "meat curtains" and "coochie-coo". LMAO

Lulu said...

Pink Taco - damn husband

"woodle" for the younguns

"pooter" again, kids!

And MY favorite....the "goodies". LOL

Mrs. Flax said...

Fighting Whisker Biscuit!!

Hollz said...

tunnel of love, hairpie.