because it struck the house the other night. The back part of the house went completely dark. The phones were blown out. The T.V.s were blown out. And, as we found out this morning when we went to do laundry, the washing machine was struck. WTF? I don't want to claim anything on my homeowner's insurance because they are dirty, stinkin' fuck holes that will cancel my insurance. I've seen it happen to several friends, so we're going to try and fix what we can and move on. Mr. Bitchford is very handy around the house, and he has already repaired the back part of the house. The phones were a loss, so we just bought a new phone and answering machine. Somehow, and I'm not sure how, he figured out how to fix the televisions. He was stumped with the washing machine. It probably can't be fixed, which sucks because it was one of those super cool ones that didn't use a lot of water. It just makes you feel like shit when stuff like this happens. We both work so hard for the things we have, and we try to save our money for things like this. It just feels like when it rains it pours. I know I should stop whining. At least the damn house didn't burn down! On a happier note, my tulips are blooming. :)

Hoo-leey shit.
Dude, my Civic had been struck twice by lightening, but not on the same day.
I thought you killed all flowers? Maybe now you have switched to killing houses. Hee.
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