Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Question to Ponder

I recently went on a business trip for a project I'm working on, and I decided to have the company pay the hotel bill before I left. This saves me a lot of headaches, and it keeps the hotel bill off of my credit card. I get reimbursed, but it does take awhile. Anyway, I get back and turn in my request for travel funds. The travel wench emails me and asks for the hotel receipt. I explain that she already paid that about a month ago. She emails back and says she must have an itemized receipt. This is where I got a little pissed. I don't usually charge things to my room, but once in awhile I might. My job does not pay for anything but the room, food, and airline tickets. There are no expense accounts for anything else. Why should my company be privy to what I spend my own money on? What if I wanted to order a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a glass of champagne, and Giant Cocks 3.0 on my pay-per-view? Is it really any of this bitch's business?


Sukie Bitchmont said...

That's how come they won that Accounting Nazi Award they're all so damned proud of. And why I want to knock the teeth outta that bitch. You better give her that receipt or she'll get her fat ass over there (in a week or two when she gets done with the doughnuts) and take it from you!

Mrs. Flax said...

I'd make her come and get it. I mean, it's paid for already, what can they really do? And it sounds like she could use the exercise. Of course, you could hang a doughnut on a string over her desk, just out of her reach. That might keep her off your case for a while.

Lulu said...

Ooohh, oohh!!! I can play this game!!!

Here and Shitty Company, those of us who travel have "corporate cards".

A. The card is directly linked to our credit. So if the company is late paying....I am affected.

B. The accounting nazis come UNGLUED if we ever use the car for personal use. Ever.

Sooo...I was traveling with said "corporate card", and my luggage got lost. I had to fine a local (chain) retailer and pick up all that I would need for a few days. When I turned in my expences I got the 3rd degree for using my card, even though I paid for my necessities out of my own pocket. I didn't try to get reimbused!! I was told if I ever used the card for personal use again, it would be taken away.

Nice huh?

Anonymous said...

Giant Cocks 2.0 was vastly superior.

Alexandra Bitchford said...

Wow, lulu. You beat me.