Friday, October 5, 2007

10 Reasons You Should NOT Have Watched Rock of Love

Here is a list for the guys and the girls!

10. They blurred out stripper Heather's titties
9. There were some fugly bitches on the show
8. Bret Michael's hair weave was baaaad
7. Crazy Lacey really didn't even do anything that evil (Sukie and I could have done better)
6. Jes's stupid crooked necklace would have gotten on your nerves
5. Bret Michael's is really short
4. They didn't reveal that Brandie C. was really a porn star (this is good info for a reality show)
3. Bret Michael's pussed out and told the girls he couldn't party so hard (man, he got old)
2. Most of the girl-on-girl action was left out
1. He sent stripper Heather's ass home (who makes a better rock star girlfriend than a hot stripper, who also agrees to share you with another woman? one.)


Sukie Bitchmont said...

But on the Reunion show he Stripper Heather turned out to be the one! Yeah!

Barb Smith said...

I watched Scott Baio and not Rock of Love...I shoulda done it the other way around, huh?