Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Drugs or No Drugs?
Monday, January 28, 2008
Damn, Patricia!
*I realized that this story sounded a little crazy, so I saved Patricia's number in my phone. When I got home, I showed it to Mr. Bitchford and suggested he call her. He wouldn't do it, but he did believe me!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Barack Obama: The Bitches Believe!!!!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Knits for Cash Campaign
Thursday, January 24, 2008
The Eastwickean Way
*I'm using the word religious because that is how they described themselves. I don't agree.
Monday, January 21, 2008
If You Pray, God Will Give You Anything You Want!
I've thought about logging on and testing this out. I could pray for an A on my first paper that will be due soon. I could pray for time to stop, so I would be able to get caught up on all of my work. I could pray for a fucking flying car, so that I wouldn't have to endure the 2.5 hour drive to the university every other Friday. I could pray for the sterilization of the stupid, backwards Eastwickeans (mainly the cell phone talking while driving with children in the car soccer moms). I would say no offense, but it's offensive. Oh well. Ooooh. I could pray that my bikini line would stay magically waxed without all of the pain.
WTF? Do people really believe this bullshit? Has anyone else received something like this in the mail? Do tell.
Friday, January 18, 2008
The Nature Boy and The Bee

My point is that while I don't think Huckabee will win his party's nomination, who is to say that someone won't drag him along as the VP. How can the evangelical vote support a man who essentially turned his back on God's calling for him? I don't believe in that stuff, but clearly these people do. To top it all off, Mike Huckabee has forced me to find a new seamstress. I went to pick up my pants last week, and the woman had Huckabee signs plastered all over the joint...inside and out. I sucked in my opinion, and I entered the gates of hell to get my pants. She actually offered me a bumper sticker! That was my line in the sand, and the bitch crossed it. Anyone know a good seamstress??? :(
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Bill O'Reilly Sucks @SS!
I've never liked the man. That's the truth.
(Glenn Beck, another conservative TV personality, but one whom I respect a bit more, suggested the other night that if we're going to provide commentary on politics, we ought to at least disclose our biases, which he does, and I do, too. We all know I'm not a conservative, that I vote Democratic, and now, that I've never liked Bill O'Reilly)
Also the truth: I have for a long time been concerned about the fact that 1/4 of the homeless population in this country are military veterans. I've written about it before. It makes me sad and embarrassed to be an American that the men and women who serve this country come home to...well, no home.
John Edwards has also spent a lot of time talking about the plight of our veterans and vowing to make changes to save them. The other night in Nevada, he repeated this message:
“In a country with as much wealth as America has, for us to have as many as 200,000 veterans who go to bed under bridges, go to sleep under bridges, or on grates, and who are homeless... This is immoral, and it’s wrong. And we, America, we have a responsibility to do something about it."
Bill O'Reilly, on his show, said in reference to John Edwards' comments, "Well, we're still looking for all the veterans sleeping under the bridges, Ed. So, if you find anybody, let us know....". Clearly, O'Reilly takes issue with the statistics about the number of homeless vets. In fact, he argued,
"They may be out there, but there are not many of them out there, OK. So, if you know where there is a veteran sleeping under a bridge, you call me immediately, and we will make sure that man does not do it."
Last night, John Edwards spoke to a group called US Veterans, a non profit organization that reintegrates homeless vets back into society. The room was filled with homeless vets. Said, John to them,
“I heard that, last night, Bill O'Reilly, who's a talk show host, who's heard that I have said this about hundreds of thousands of veterans who don't have a place to live, and were homeless. And he challenged me about whether that's true or not, whether, in fact, we have that many veterans who don't have a place to live, and some of them are sleeping under bridges. Well, he ought to start by coming to Las Vegas, if he wants to know what's going on.
America has the responsibility to do something about this. We do. And the fact that this talk show host, Bill O’Reilly, is willing to speak out that blatantly, when he has no idea what he’s talking about, is an example of how America doesn’t understand the problem, doesn’t understand how serious this issue is.”
Get him, John! When's the last time Bill O'Reilly went to the "other side of the tracks" in search of homeless vets? When was the last time he offered one of them a place to sleep? When was the last time he offered to foot the bill for a vet's medical bills? Bill O'Reilly is so far removed from us Regular Joes that, as John says, he has no idea what he's talking which case he ought to keep his big, fat, stupid mouth shut.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
Random thoughts
Who thinks Britney Spears actually cares about those kids?
In light of her recent escapades (4 hours late for latest custody hearing; then turns around and leaves immediately, going to first a church and then a shoe store), I have to wonder if she cares about anything other than just making a big ole scene so she can stay in the media spotlight despite the fact that her career is in the sh*tter. Or she might be really bipolar. Either way, that b*tch needs some serious help.
From the Eastwick News tonight:
"Authorities are searching tonight for a man believed to be wandering through the woods near Old XXX Road near ZZZ in Eastwick with a stick in his head."
Yeah, I wasn't sure I heard that right, either, so I kept listening as the anchor went on to elaborate:
"The man, identified over police scanner traffic as a suspect in an earlier shooting, was said to have fled into the woods. He was described as a man wearing a Harley Davidson jacket with a stick in his head."
A stick in his head? Seriously? How is this even possible? The image in my head is hysterical--just so you know. I guess he'll be hard to miss when he comes out of those woods.
Can you imagine it: some redneck with a gun (Old XXX Road's a little in the boonies) is gonna see him coming outta the woods: "Hey, Lula Mae! Get me ma gun! That man with the stick in his head's out in the pasture by the cows!"
I love this town.
Bring Back '07
I want to go back to 2007. Pronto.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
School is Not Out for Summer
Friday, January 11, 2008
Isn't the Huckster Pro-Life?
Sorry! The link function wasn't working. Copy and paste, people. :)
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Ding Dong, The Avon Lady
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Celebrity Sightings

2008 isn't off to a great start
Monday, January 7, 2008
Is that a 10 year old or Michelle Williams?

I was poking around the TMZ website (yes, I know it is trashy, but it's my stress relief), and I found this old photo. We all know how the majority of young Hollywood actresses take thin to a new level, but I find this photo truly disturbing. Just because Michelle can wear a 10 year old girl's bathing suit does not mean that she should. Maybe that was Heath's thing...ewww...
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Oh, Shytonia!
It was only a matter of time...
Straight from the Opinion Pages of the Eastwick News, I bring you this bit of brilliant insight:
Prohibition has worked so well in the past, hasn't it? And if we just ban drinking in public but not in private, is that really gonna make a damn bit of difference? Why do people in this town lack the basic ability to reason??It's time that we pass a no drinking in public ordinance. I would much
rather meet a smoker on the highway than a drunk. It's time we ban
drinking in public.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Funny Work Excuses
Do You Know Your Neighbors?
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Anybody but Huckabee, PLEASE!
As I prepare to sit down and watch the caucuses tonight, I am compelled (in part because Alexandra told me to) to share with you an adaptation of a post I wrote for my other blog.
...I cannot believe how much support Mike Huckabee has gotten lately. This man terrifies me. If he becomes president of the US, I really may have to consider moving to France. Seriously. Among the reasons he frightens me so is his steadfast religious faith. Sure, it's good for some things, but not for the leader of my country--unless of course my faith and his faith are one in the same in which case I guess I might think it alright (though I'm not really sure of that either). For after all, Mike Huckabee readily admits on his website that his faith "is my life - it defines me. I don't separate my faith from my personal and professional lives." Further, he explains that his faith "doesn't influence my decisions, it drives them."
I believe quite strongly in the separation between church and state. I believe the leader of the US has to be willing to put aside his personal religious conviction in order to do what is best for the country as a whole--to do what is best for all the citizens of this country. Mike Huckabee has illustrated an unwillingness or inability to do that. That's why as governor of Arkansas he granted clemency and/or leniency (earning him the nickname King Clemency) to criminals who claimed to have "found God," or who were recommended to him by a pastor or close friend, calling into question whether his inability to separate his personal and professional lives isn't a bit detrimental to society. It was certainly traumatic for Ashley Stevens and detrimental to 39-year-old Carol Shields. After all, when he released Stevens' rapist, the man attacked Carol Shields and possibly raped and killed a pregnant woman, too. According to Huckabee, faith "makes us less judgmental, as we see others with the same frailties we have." Again--that's all well and good--until you're applying that faith to, say, rapists and murderers, as Huckabee did in Arkansas. Now, imagine this man with the power of a presidency. ~~shiver~~
But Huckabee's willingness to forgive as if he is God isn't the only scary thing about him. What also scares me about Mike Huckabee is his stance on marriage: "...nothing in our society matters more. Our true strength doesn't come from our military or our gross national product, it comes from our families." Well, gee, thanks Mikey-boy, I guess I'm totally irrelevant, huh? Perhaps I don't matter??? Not only does he staunchly oppose same-sex marriage, supporting the discrimination of an entire group of people and relegating them to second-class citizenship, but he also supports covenant marriage over regular, plain-jane marriage. He got Arkansas to be only the 3rd state to adopt covenant marriages, and brags on his website that "Today, many churches in Arkansas will perform only covenant marriages." Covenant marriage, in case you're wondering, is like a super marriage that makes it incredibly difficult to get a divorce--basically you can get a divorce only if your partner commits adultery, a felony, or abuses you. Unfortunately, it's often difficult to provide enough evidence to support claims of abuse (particularly mental or sexual abuse which often don't leave marks for photos or have witnesses). Now, I get that cutting down on no-fault divorce could be a great thing, but I think it's stupid to try to force people to commit to marriages which may leave them stuck in unhappy, unfulfilling, and potentially abusive relationships. Furthermore, adoption of covenant marriages by government effectively legalizes a religious view of marriage. And as I've said before, marriage does not have to be religious. If it did, I couldn't go down the street and get married by the Justice of the Peace or the Magistrate...or any willy-nilly person certified via Internet to conduct marriages. This is another reason why the separation of church and state is so important. Imagine a world in which covenant marriages are supported by the federal government. What if that became the only way to get married? I, for one, would definitely not get married. Certainly, people should be given the choice. Right now, you have the choice to marry in a church, and I have the choice to go to the county judge. I don't need a priest or a preacher or a pastor or whatever you might have--and I don't have to have one. A legal marriage and a religious marriage are two entirely different things (you can have both if you like)--and they should stay that way--which is why Mike Huckabee's opposition to same-sex marriage angers me. His position is this:
I support and have always supported passage of a federal constitutional amendment that defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman. As President, I will fight for passage of this amendment. My personal belief is that marriage is between one man and one woman, for life.
Oh, so 'cause it's your personal belief, it should be law? What kind of argument is that? No kind--it has no basis. And if that's the basis he makes for supporting legislation or not, then I don't think he needs to be president. The government has no right to outlaw marriage for some people--there is no legal reason to do so...and it is a legal matter. If churches don't want to marry homosexuals, then that's their prerogative--not the government's, not Mike Huckabee's.
His stance on abortion is equally frightening, albeit predictable:
I'll veto any pro-abortion legislation they pass. I will staff all relevant positions with pro-life appointees. I will use the Bully Pulpit to change hearts and minds, to move this country from a culture of death to a culture of life. I have no desire to throw women in jail, I just want us to stop throwing babies in the garbage.
The man aims to change our "hearts and minds" as he uses the White House as his own personal pulpit from which to preach...and he tells us that upfront--but enough about that particular issue--since most people either just agree wholeheartedly with him or not...I won't bore you with why I am pro-choice. But I will point again to a time when ole Huck was governor of Arkansas and he used his power to intervene in the life of a 15 y/o retarded pregnant girl who'd been raped by her step-father on a camping trip. He blocked the Medicaid payment for her abortion--despite the fact that a federal law provided for that payment (allowing rape victims abortions). Even though a federal judge ordered the payment to be made, Huck said no, jeopardizing Medicaid funding to his state because he is so staunchly pro-life.
Other disturbing things about Mike:
- He's a member of a band called Capitol Offense.
- He touts Chuck Norris as a "true American hero" and uses the actor to support his campaign.
- He purports to run a clean campaign, but he created an anti-Romney ad, but released it only to the press, telling them he'd decided to take the high road and not run it after all--hypocrite!
- He says that, as President, he'd bomb Iran "in a heartbeat" without going through Congress.
Iowanna Caucus!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Don't Lynch Me, Bro!
Apparently, she wasn't exaggerating because when I picked up the newspaper yesterday, I was confronted with this headline: "Shoplifter Accuses Employees of Lynching." Naturally, I had to read on. According to the article, this guy went into the local Ingles, grabbed himself a soda and a snack (totaling $3.27) and headed to the bathroom, where he ate his snack and drank his drink. Then, when the Ingles employees confronted him, he ran away because the store employees were "trying to lynch him." When officers arrived on the scene, he continued this storyline, insisting that the two Ingles clerks were trying to lynch him.
Now, the Eastwick News couldn't just stop there; they had to elaborate on the situation--as if there were some small possibility that the Ingles clerks were in fact trying to lynch a man in broad daylight in the middle of the store--by providing the definition of lynching:
"In Stupid State, the legal standard for lynching is met when two or more people engage in an act of premeditated violence."
Thanks for clearing that up, people, because I really was concerned that Ingles is the secret cover agency of the KKK and that they are actively lynching customers--not just trying to reduce shoplifting or make people pay for merchandise.
PS: This is why I shop across town at the Bloom or Publix--even though the Ingles is right down the street. Yes, I'm a grocery store snob.
Inappropriate Touching?

(Those are cat whiskers. The cat loves a camera.)
I tripped and fell on New Year's Eve, and I really fucked up my ankle. It's giant and blue, and it hurts. I went to the doctor this morning, so I could get a second opinion. I've always really liked my doctor, and I never mind going to this place. So, he comes in, and I have to take my sock off. He looks at my ankle, and he starts applying pressure and turning it. It hurts, and he starts asking me questions. He then starts to lift my pant leg and massaged my calf. I found this weird. My calf didn't hurt. I didn't injure my calf. It was the first time that I've ever felt "weird" at the doctor's office. He kept massaging while he was talking to me. Weird, weird, weird. He gave me my orders to keep off of the ankle and wrap it tight. I've never been so glad to have hairy legs. If I had had smooth legs, I might have had to leave. I'm sure he was just checking out my injury, but it still felt very strange. Any similar stories out there?
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Big New Church Ad on Facebook
Wow! I'm waiting on Big New Church political ads to start running. I have no doubt that Big New Church will endorse a candidate every Sunday.
Blog Archive
- Drugs or No Drugs?
- Damn, Patricia!
- Barack Obama: The Bitches Believe!!!!
- Knits for Cash Campaign
- The Eastwickean Way
- If You Pray, God Will Give You Anything You Want!
- The Nature Boy and The Bee
- Bill O'Reilly Sucks @SS!
- Let it Snow!
- Random thoughts
- Bring Back '07
- School is Not Out for Summer
- Isn't the Huckster Pro-Life?
- Ding Dong, The Avon Lady
- Celebrity Sightings
- 2008 isn't off to a great start
- Is that a 10 year old or Michelle Williams?
- Oh, Shytonia!
- It was only a matter of time...
- Funny Work Excuses
- Do You Know Your Neighbors?
- Anybody but Huckabee, PLEASE!
- Iowanna Caucus!
- Don't Lynch Me, Bro!
- Inappropriate Touching?
- Big New Church Ad on Facebook